Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
Cool Nate! Summertime trout fishing is fun. I like to night fish. The big key is to have a good fish finder and temp depth probe. If you find where the fish are suspending and put the bait in front of their nose you can clean up on them... Try to find where that cool well oxygenated water meets the bottom and you are really in the money!

Yep been there done that CJ. Used to do it a lot as a matter of fact. Lantern and fishing right over the side with slip bobbers and a crawler. Many times the fishing was so fast it was silly to use more than one pole as they just got tangled up.

Interestingly in the lakes around here the rainbows suspend while the browns are closer to the bottom. In Massachusetts where I used to live it's just the opposite at a small lake I fished. The browns suspend and the bows are near the bottom. Not sure why but I'm sure it has to do with each species and type of food available. Of course there is a mix sometimes too.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 08/07/09 05:09 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.