Which fish is your top priority, GTS? If it's LMB, you'll get bigger LMB by stocking GSH than you would have otherwise, and adding threadfin to the mix will help the bass even more. But if bluegill are your top priority, GSH or threadfin either one will cut at least in half your maximum bluegill size, as well as your average. It's a pretty simple equation - a large percentage of their diet is comprised of the same foods that bluegill eat:


So they will directly compete with bluegill for food, and that only ends one way, with smaller bluegill. If bass are your primary focus, GSH and threadfin both will help you to achieve bigger ones; if bluegill are top priority, GSH and threadfin will make it almost impossible to achieve trophy bluegill. Feeding won't even close to make up the difference. You'll get decent-sized bluegill - a few - but you won't get trophy-class fish. The lake I mention above in which the bluegill size was killed by the addition of threadfins, has had an automatic feeder on it for five years, and the bluegill are slightly larger than they are in the rest of the lake, but they still only average 5-6" though the feeder goes off twice a day with Aquamax food.