Update from Matt's mom Shari.

GREAT NEWS TO REPORT: Matt got his breathing tube out this afternoon at 3:00 pm - he is breathing on his own! Also, he lifted his right arm in front of Dr. Al-Mefty - he said "it was the fruit of his day"!

Can we get a woo-hoo - amen - halleluah - thank God? Thank you all for your prayers, positive thoughts, calls, cards, etc... WE FEEL THE LOVE and WE KNOW - MATT HAS MANY ANGELS ON EARTH AND FROM ABOVE WATCHING OVER HIM.

PaPa, Nonnie & Emileigh left this afternoon. Bob and I will keep taking turns spending the night with Matt. Only 1 parent in the room over night. Tonight is Bob's turn.

I will update more later. We can't use cell phones in the ICU. So, if you try to call our phones, leave a message and we will try to call you when we can.
peace-light & love, FOR MATT - The Hernan's

A little snow, Please!