Just wanted to provide an update on my Agri-Drain inlet water control box. Had some good rain a couple weeks ago (2.85" in one day) and the pond level went up 22" temporarily (drpped down overnight. I installed one 8" PVC slat in the box before the rain and it has worked very well. Because the outlet pipe is a couple inches above the bottom of the box, this holds the water level about 6" higher than before. The water level is now maybe 2" down from the top of the slat (after a couple weeks of dry weather) and it is dry in the pipe. My concerns about leaking were misplaced. The heavy rain also allowed me to see that raising the water 22" is too much, since the emergency spillway was just barely being used at this level. My waterlilies and other pond plants seem to be adapting to the new water level although some of the deepest reeds are not going to make it. However the clumps are moving up the bank. I will raise the water level another 6" in July of 2010.