Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1

Back before I specialized in fish, if I had a nickel for every wife that said, "You're not hanging that in my house" when the husband and wife came to pick up the deer mount, I'd be a rich man. They spend a small fortune on a deer mount and it would end up in the garage or basement! I'm also leary of leaving a message with some wives to tell their husband their mount is ready for pick up. I've had more than a few not tell them.


I think an expansion of your entire post, especially with photos, could make a great PB article. More than once I've wanted to send you a dead fish in the mail, and then wondered just how to do it.

As for deer mounts -- a good friend just went through exactly what you describe. He got a trophy buck on a trip out to Illinois and Wisconsin last year. The very expensive mount -- including a fortune to crate and ship it from Illinois to Virginia, is now hanging in the basement.


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