Guys, as usual, this is great a conversation. There is obviously a discussion of "all at one time" or "forage fish first" concept. Personally, I stocked my 3/4 A. 12'deep newely built pond with forage fish last fall, 250 3-5" BG, and 150 2"RES, with 10 lbs of FHM. I added about 30 +/- adult BG & RES (7-12") also.

Unfortunatly, a 'buddy' added seveal LMB to the mix last fall at my displeasure. I was trying to do the "forage first" method, so I don't know what effect these 'early' LMB had on my pond. So, I guess I am doing a 'blended forage first' 'all together' concept. Shoot!

By it's appearance, the FHM and BG had an awesome spawn this spring and summer, and a late spawn with the adult BG added last year. In the last three weeks I have added aprox 20 9-12" LMB from two different ponds/lakes, and will add about 8-10 more that size before summer is over. I sheppishly added a total of 7 adult crappie. Dang it! I just couldn't help my self, and it was done before I came to my

I have caught several stocked BG to see how they were growing, etc, and the shoulders on these little guys and their coloration leads me to believe that my pond is a healthy pond.

I will bore you with the details of my "fall evaluation" in November when I have something to report. Thanks for all the unique conversation and opinions. That's what makes, and keeps this site fun to check into daily.

Last edited by jimmydee; 07/27/09 12:39 PM. Reason: spelling