I got up to the pond thurs. and found that either a bear or a 5ft racoon had taken the fish feeder. In the process he bent the pipe in half, ripped the cover off the box holding the temp. probe, and apparently tried to stand on the fish cage while he was trying to get the feeder, so there are 2 rips in the top of the netting.
I found the feeder 100 yards away in the woods, busted up but still working. As I was patching up the feeder that evening the bear paid me a visit but didn't stick around after the rifle fire.
The next afternoon I put up an old piece of pipe and hug the feeder with a small amount of feed in it. It wet off on time and the trout enjoyed their last free meal for awhile. The bear came by 2 hours later and after alot of semi-automatic fire he left.
I kept an eye on the feeder till dark but this morning it was gone, and I never found it.( it was an old feeder anyway)

I've learned my lesson and will mount the new feeder on a tripod in 6 ft. of water, it should be ok unless he takes the boat.