Cougar, I agree with CJB. I stocked 10 lbs. of fatheads this spring along with BG and some CC. The FH are constantly in spawning mode. It seems like the first batch spawned may be spawning already. I might be wrong. I'm not sure how long they take to reach maturity. It just seems impossible that the original 10 lbs have turned into what I now have. I bet I have 100 lbs. by now. My pond is about 1.5 acres and the entire perimeter is thick with fry. I can't imagine how thick they will be next year when I start stocking mature bass. They BG and CC are growing at incredible rates but haven't even begun to put a dent in the FH population. My BG have more than doubled in size and the CC have went from 3" to 5" to 10" to 12" since May. I still feed every day. The FH were relatively inexpensive and have been a great investment. My neighbor and I built ponds within a month or 2 of each other. We both stocked at the same time this spring. He went with all fingerlings and stocked LMB, BG, YP, GS, FH, and CC. The LMB are 4 or 5 inches now and the FH are already completely gone. He still has some GS. They gave his LMB a small head start but I don't consider it smart investment. Had he waited, who knows how much that 10 lbs. would have become. I can't begin to estimate how many I'll have next year.