I never meant to discourage amateurs - far from it. I just haven't seen any of the biologists or other professional pond managers on here have their recommendations discredited as though they knew nothing of what they spoke. It's happened several times to me recently on here, often by one poster, and it gets to be a little frustrating. I'm all for the free exchange of ideas; it just seems to me that someone with very limited experience might take into consideration the greater experience of someone else before poo-pooing his advice to posters.

It's not a different angle to state that what I just recommended doesn't work and is a bad idea. That's discounting not only my advice, but my legitimacy and ability as a pond manager.

I won't pretend to be the most knowledgeable person on here; there are some pretty smart and pretty experienced biologists and pond managers on here, and I learn from them daily. But I have managed to learn a good deal from my years of managing ponds. I don't get anything out of answering a new member's query for help other than the satisfaction of knowing I may have helped someone to have a better pond. If Bob Lusk had the time to answer every single query, there would be no need for the rest of us because it's doubtful any of us would often be able to offer better advice than he could; but that's why he made this forum, so people with lots of experience can help those with less. I don't have a degree in fisheries science, and am already self-conscious about that, as I have two master's degrees in other fields; I found this site only a few months ago, and have enjoyed both learning and being able to educate. But it's more than a little maddening to have to stop myself every time I consider answering a new member's question, and wonder whether my advice is going to be dismissed out-of-hand even if I have firsthand experience with the situation and the person dismissing does not.