
Weed wacking, weed wacking and more weed wacking. Man I hate weed wackers now. Normally we would use our field mower but everything is too dry to mow and local Fire Safety Council officer would arrest me and force me to eat Brussell Sprouts with Bacon. (Betcha can't guess who the Fire Safety Council officer is can ya?).

We fished yesterday and Ricki caught three tiny bass. We were fishing during the wrong time of the day (high noon and man was it hot - the Aluminum boat was so hot you couldn't touch the sides, as I'm sitting here right now at just about 5pm it's 100 here, YIKES). We're gonna do a sunset fishing session this evening. Ricki spotted one large bass trolling the shoreline. She said it was bigger than the 4 pounder I caught last year.

We're getting the place whipped (or weed wacked) into shape (I said whip it, whip it good) we've got some paths cleared to get from one place to another. This morning we treated some of the American Pond Weed with the Reward/Cutrine mix. Don't worry Dwight we're not killing all of the American Pond Weed, we're just trying to keep in under control. We like to have some areas of it in the pond but we don't want it to take over the pond like the Elodea did.

This morning we saw a deer, and a pair of California Quayle and their young. Red tailed hawks are patrolling the sky as are turkey vultures. The pond looks really good. It is a banner year for Bull Frogs, we are seeing the most number of bull frog pollywogs that we have ever seen.

It's great to be here, I'm looking forward to getting together with Dave and Jean. He's busy but I'm gonna bother him one way or the other.

And now in response to your questions and comments....


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)