Okay, I got the second pier in. This one went in much better. And, I learned a few things on the second one. First of all, I was able to hammer the second pipe in about 2 and ½ feet this time. I made the handle a little longer on the auger so I was able to get down a lot deeper. By augers the inside deeper, I was able to drive the pipe deeper. I even augured down about a foot deep then the pipe. I then put the rebar, wire mesh, and bolts in. Filled it with concrete and let it set for 3 days. When I came back, it was very stout! There was hardly any movement in it at all. I think this will work like a champ.

Otto, will get some pictures of the brace I put in on the first one. Although, if I can get the remaining 2 pipes in as deep as I did the last one, I may not need the brace. Although, I may leave it there for good measure.

I will get pictures on here soon.