I posted on another link but I have an old lake that is 105 acres. We drained it and killed all fish and lake filled up and we restocked. The lake gets clear only in the fall once the rain comes and floods the shallows and the decompostion of plants takes the clay particles down. However, we only get use of the lake for 2-3 months a year when it's healthy. Can I line the shallows with crushed limestone and gypsum rock while the shallows are dry or is it wasted time and money? Will the lake clear up yearly if I do or is it something I am going to have to do every year. I need help as to put the gypsum in once will cost a fortune. I am willing to do once but don't want to have to do every year. The shallow end of lake is south and only 0-2 feet deep so the wind just keeps it stirred up that is why I was suggesting lining it. I just need help!!