Originally Posted By: the stick
You have probably seen this thread for some general ideas. I will check this thread at midnight when I come back to work tonight, and if no one has come up with anything, I will scour the internet for some plans for you.

I think I've seen that link before when I was searching for plans, but it didn't seem to give me the plans I was looking for. Some helpful pointers, however...

 Originally Posted By: Ric Swaim
I had thought of doing the same thing when I built my pond. Only I was going to use wire cable for durability. An all rope bridge I would think would be very high maintence to ensure safety.

I certainly wouldn't rule out something that would ensure durability or longevity of the bridge, I was just hoping to keep it as rugged and natural as possible.

 Originally Posted By: esshup
Iffen it was mine, I'd at lease use wire rope for the handrails, and slip UV resistant PVC pipe over it to keep your hands from getting greasy or stuck by any wire strands that might break. That way I could grease the snot out of it in the beginning and help keep the corrosion at bay.

I would prefer not to go that route since it would probably look a little too, uh, manufactured for the surrounding woods. Very practical, but I'd prefer to have it as natural looking as possible, nothing that stands out like PVC. I'd fix whatever problems arose over time instead of resorting to PVC coverings.