Fecundity of Bluegill and Warmouth from a South Carolina Blackwater Lake
Frank M. Panek and Clarence R. Cofield

Carolina Power and Light Company, Energy and Environmental Center, New Hill, North Carolina 27562

Abstract.—The relations of fecundity to total length (mm) were developed for the bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and warmouth (L. gulosus) from a large southeastern blackwater lake. Fecundity estimates for bluegills ranged from 571 to 27,027 eggs per female and were related to total length by the expression log10 F = -2.337 + 2.839 log10 TL (mm) with r² = 0.59 (where F = fecundity and TL = total length). Bluegill fecundity was lower and diameters of mature eggs were smaller than those reported in the literature. Fecundity estimates for warmouths ranged from 798 to 34,257 eggs per female and could be expressed by the relation log10 F = -4.678 + 3.889 log10 TL (mm) with r² = 0.67. Fecundity of warmouths as determined from this relation is similar to that for fish in other habitats.