You can get carp electrofishing by the boat load when they are spawning! Otherwise it would depend on the depths of the lake. Even if you get them by the boat load, I still think that in 200 acres you are just harvesting a renewable resource that just wont end.

Walt, I would highly disagree with your theory of stocking small fish and their survival rate. If a lake or pond has a fish population established, most of the time you will spend more money stocking smaller fish than larger ones, and you will get a much better survival into adulthood by stocking less of the bigger fish. Lots of fish do indeed make it to adulthood by natural reproduction, but that is out of hundreds of thousands fry and fingerlings. If we were talking percentages, probably only 1% of fish hatched make it to adulthood. Especially Muskies, their fingerlings are so dumb that even when they are 12 inches long a bass can swim right up to them, open its mouth and have a nice skinny snack.