Originally posted by GW:
does this mean I'm out of the club? Oh the pain and embarrassment! [Eek!]
Originally posted by GW:

Did I say Green Sunfish? Eh, I meant WARMOUTH. Yeah, that's right, I thought we were talking about Waaaaarmouth.
No membership for you! Thankfully, due to work constraints I had not sent your membership package. You are quite fortunate. Had I mailed out your membership package and had you received one of our decoder rings or the secret hand shake instructional DVD I would have had no alternative but to enter into a "Terminate with Extreme Prejudice" contract to remedy the situation. Consider yourself lucky.

Originally posted by GW:

I hate Green Sunfish, always have.
Up until this statement I assumed that you made an innocent misidentification. The GSFA may give you one final benefit of the doubt and assume that you made this statement out of false bravado however I will make no assurances. Your fate will be discussed at a secret meeting of a portion of the GSFA that will be held sometime within the next 10 days at an undisclosed location somewhere in the Sierra Nevada Foothills.

Just remember GW, we are watching, we are always watching.......

"non scompigli appena con noi"


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)