You can make simple, cheap, and effective bullhead traps out of plastic garbage cans.

Have a way to wire the lid to the can, so it can be easily removed as well as put back on.

Cut a small hole the size of a soda can in the lid. Put a brick or two in the can along with some kind of stinky bait. Tie a rope to the handle so as to anchor it from the shore.

Let it sit for a few hours then quickly haul it back in and see what you get. If the yield is not great, try a different spot. 4' of water is a good start for placement.

Don't be too bummed out about the bullheads. You can get them under control, and it's best to bite the bullet and spend the time now.

As far as having found Pond Boss before making questionable choices, we are/were all in the same boat!

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."