That is just moronic the number of CC that the hatchery owner sold you. As previously noted, you wouldn't stock even a fraction that many unless you were running a catfish farm and wanted to have the fish stacked on top of each other so people could catch them easier. And even in that circumstance it would NEVER be done without an aerator running twenty-four-seven.

Estimating on the low side: if there were 100 LMB already in the pond and they averaged one pound, and the CC you added averaged a half-pound (they averaged more than that if there were many that went 15"), and the HBG and CNB and RES averaged three ounces which they would unless all of them were 3", you've got 750 pounds of fish in that one-acre pond right now, and that's not counting the few large BC and CC you say already existed in the pond before the new stocking. The standard wisdom is that a properly-fertilized and fed pond can support as much as 500 pounds per acre; you're already 50% above that. Unless large numbers of the HBG and CNB and RES got eaten, you could easily be in danger of a fish kill right now, before the new fish grow even a millimeter.

I would aerate IMMEDIATELY. And invite the local Boy Scout troop, or perhaps every troop in a five-county radius, for a catfish-fishing rodeo, and give prizes for the kids that catch the most catfish. Set trotlines. Set jugs and limblines. But get them out of there or you will certainly have a fish kill. Not to mention you'll have to mortage your house to pay for the fish chow they'll eat.