Mark, brown bullhead and yellow bullhead are both native to our part of Virginia. I have found brown bullhead to be far more common though. The bullhead in the picture is a brown bullhead. The easiest way to tell brown bullheads from yellow bullheads is the color of the 4 lower jaw whiskers. In brown bullheads, they will always have some pigmentation. Notice yours is a tannish brown color. Yellow bullheads always have a pure white colored lower jaw whiskers. Yellow and brown bullheads also have distinctly different shapes to their heads. Also, once yellow bullheads reach the size of the one in the pic, they almost always have a yellow belly, whereas brown bullheads rarely develop a yellow belly. Brown bullheads also get a mottled color like your fish, whereas yellow bullheads tend to be a solid gradual change in color from dark brown on the dorsal side to a yellowish white on the bottom.

If you want to get a fairly cheap trap that works very well on bullheads up to about 8" take a look at this trap...

Minnow trap

Go with the large size. It will hold many 4"-8" bullheads. It has a large opening to allow bigger fish in than your normal minnow trap as well. It comes with a built in mesh bait holder. Bait it with beef liver, or just some fish feed. Leave it out overnight and you'll have plenty of bullheads...

I am betting your got your CC from Zett's... They sell brown bullheads as well. Sounds like they mixed some brown bullheads in with your CC. Ooops!