Hey boys!!!

I have missed you all greatly, and I am so sorry that I dropped out of the loop for so long. Things down here have just been wild and hectic. No, I am not chasing ghost full-time, although I almost became one. Two accidents resulting in three compressed disc in my neck, a torn ligament, traction, and months of therapy .... all is on the mend now though so no sympathy, empathy, or fussing from you meddling 'ole fools. \:D
You all have left me a lot to address here, but time is short right now. I have been putting in a full-time pace on a part-time schedule at work, and I am about to walk out the door to head to the beach for a few days with the family (MUCH needed)!!!
I will get back on here and talk your ears off like I use to do when I return. Hope everyone is well and that your ponds and lives are prospering.

Hugs all around,


Do fish actually kiss?