I put in 25 lbs of Moz Tilapia from Overton Fisheries in my 1.8 acre pond about 8 weeks ago. I hauled the fish about 2 hrs and all fish made it with flying colors. I see them all over the place when I feed and I feel they have helped considerably in controlling Filamentous algae. My primary purpose was to provide forage for bass and bluegill, the FA thing was just a side benefit. I have no doubt the Tilapia are breeding but I haven't confirmed it. I don't see lots of fry swimming around the bigger fish as you did Two lakes. Is that something I should be seeing? I have seen a few pint sized fish (maybe 1/4") in the shallows but not many. I have a good number of visible 1-2" bluegill in the shallows. Maybe the tilapia are getting eaten as fast as they are made? I don't know for sure.