I was driving my rocket olds home from work running in bumper to bumper traffic in the fast lane at about 80 mph. I looked in my mirror and saw something catching us from behind. To my surprise it was a guy on a rice rocket riding a wheelie standing on the left foot peg with his right foot and hanging off the side with one foot in the air. He passed me and I continued to follow him for at least 5 miles still doing a wheelie he could not get past the traffic in front. At one point we passed a couple of state troopers who pulled someone over on the oppisite side of the road. As we passed by the rider stuck out his hand and gave the officers the old I shot you jester as if he was pulling the trigger on a gun at them. The 2 officers just looked at him and both just shook their heads and continued up to the car that they had just pulled over. I guess they had the same thouhts as CJBS2003.

Last edited by rockytopper; 06/09/09 02:49 PM.

The road goes on forever and the party nevers end...............................................