Good or bad, I'm glad our local law enforcement didn't know about Bounce. I guess my bear that lives back-of-the-barn decided to go into town this past weekend to celebrate the holiday, or to visit a friend buried in the cemetery.

Bear Escorted Out of Town

Bear escorted out of town

From Star Staff Reports

WINCHESTER — Winchester Police spent part of Memorial Day Monday trying to escort a black bear out of town.

The bear, which was spotted walking around Mount Hebron Cemetery, eventually left town near Berryville Avenue before noon.

The first reported sighting of the bear came at about 7:30 a.m.

Winchester Police Sgt. J.B. Meredith said Monday evening that a Virginia game warden was contacted, but nothing could be done with the animal because he was not aggressive.

“He left the area, but we are unsure where he went,” Meredith said.

Winchester resident Kevin Lowery said he saw police officers trying to encourage the bear to leave Mount Hebron Cemetery on Monday morning.

“I was on my bicycle on Pleasant Valley Road, and I came down Woodstock Lane,” he said. “I saw Animal Control and another officer, and then the bear started going toward Pleasant Valley Road.

“He went off toward Cork Street.”

CJBS -- aren't you glad you patrol the Mixing Bowl?

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