A lonely, forlorn, evil Dr Frankenbruce skulks and schemes in anger deep in the bowels of his hidden laboratory. It has been too long...far too long, indeed. A mate must be created to satiate his fishexual needs and desires. A creature of exquisite beauty, capable of gracing the cover of Fishbuoy, yet still be able to gobble down mosquitoe larvae and worms with class and dignity. And yes, oh yes...she must bear the cranial amplitude of the most evil of my fish creations...the Angry RES! This shall be the greatest of all the Frankenbruce creations. This will put my practice on the map! Let the experiment begin by adding the meanest of all the brood...my favorite...the thumb-eater:

...and carefully meld the genetics of the most beautiful woman in the world; my beloved co-star:

...lightning crashes and booms. On the other side of town, Shorty closes the window and mutters "he's at it again". A huge explosion eminates from deep below the earth as the evil experiment culminates in diabolical success. The doctor cackles with glee as he clears the laboratory of smoke with a Kasco circulator. He slowly peels and unfolds the layers of cloth..... IT IS ALIVE! IT IS ALI.....uh-oh!