I checked out Zett's and they are really cool. Their on line catalog is a fun read if anybody is interested: http://zettsfishhatchery.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/CompleteCatalog.pdf Unfortunately, they just stopped selling large BG's (5" - 9") for the season. They will start selling them again in the fall.

So my question now is, when will my bass start suffering from lack of food? This is, when do you think the bass will have eaten all the FHM and begin to feel the impact of not having any (or many) new BG spawn to eat (since I stocked HBG and they don't reproduce much)? Could I wait until the fall when I can get my hands on some adult BG, or do I need to do something now to help the bass get through the summer and avoid stunting?

Thanks in advance!