First time poster and may not know all the abbrevations but here goes. I have a new 20-22 acre lake in SE Oklahoma that has extensive rock structure, drop offs, rock channels and two large rock piles (fish condominiums) located in deeper water. Water depths up to 30 feet in spots. I was planning on stocking FHM this month (4#/ac). In the fall stock BG (300/ac), CNBG(50/ac), RES(100/ac),Long ears(100) and CC(100/ac) this fall. Next June I was planning on stocking native LMB(55/ac); FL LMB(10/ac) and SMB(35/ac). I realize it is a risk with the SMB and LMB but wanted to get some feedback on the idea. I think I will have habitat for both and with the variety of forage fish hope to have sufficient food for all. Would welcome any feedback.