I am new to this, so hang with me. I actually purchased the fish through a distributor of Ken's in northern Indiana (Rim Rum). I picked them up myself and transported them to my lake in the back seat of my air conditioned extended cab truck. The drive back to my lake was 4 hours. They were contained in 4 large oxygenated plastic bags set inside cardboard boxes. When I released them into the lake, I set the bags into the water and allowed the water temp in the bags to slowly match the lake temp before releasing the fish into the lake. The only species in the lake at that time should have been FH minnows. They had survived well and populated multiple times as there were schools of them throughout the lake. Also, I did not notice any dead fish in the days/weeks after releasing them. But, only being 1 to 2" long, they may not have been visible?

The bass appear healthy and average 10" in length. The catfish I don't know yet as they were fingerlings when put in last fall (2008) and I have yet to see any this year.

I have tried crickets, worms, wax worms, meal worms, corn and jigs/lures with virtually no success on the Georgia Giants. I will read the links you guys have provided and definitely keep communicating on this. You guys are great and thanks!!!