Sunil quickly finds the anomoly in the B-ski Child Highlights fun-pic:
I don't see D-Ski sporting the Jaegerwald Farms hat.
a) The J-Farms hat arrived shortly thereafter via Ski-HL 2 day select.
b) D-ski does, indeed, like to wear straw hats for sun shade, but those thick, furry forearms are unfamiliar to me. I'll leave the natural selection explanation to our resident caveman expert, Dr. Condarwin.
...Sunil successfully locates the 13 hidden fishies in the fun-pic and continues:
Have you tried any pellet feeding yet to see your pets from the first stocking?
No, I haven't. I kinda hoped I didn't need to go to that level; hinders the the low/no maint. goal. At one point during our numerous telecons, the gal in the office at the fish vendor mentioned that the YP were on pellets (or some type of surface feed), but I wonder how accurate that statement is...? Can they be surface fed when they are 4" - 5", in their second year?