Originally posted by Brettski:
Let's preclude BG (for now)
Brettski, my friend, I haven't commented on your thread thus far because I don't have direct experience with a YP/SMB pond....however,the statement above is more than I can stay silent on. ;\) ;\)

I can't imagine a pond without BG's. I also doubt your "hands-off" desire will be actually implemented in practice...you are a "hands-on" kind of guy, much to your credit.

Your comment forces me to reveal, in the interest of our friendship, my own bias towards BG. The highest level of "fun" I get from ponding is growing and catching large BG...and I include all kinds of BG in that statement...CNBG,natives, hybrids, etc. That love has evolved over many years. Ok, they require some management, but what in life that is worthwhile doesn't?

Without getting evangelical (or more than I already have) and with due respect to your pond goals, I'm willing to bet you will have BG anyhow and planning for them in advance is better than reacting to them later...my reasoning is simple...Nature abhors a vacuum and a pond without BG.

Merry Christmas, Brettski and come back to Texas when you can, but plan on a side-trip to my ponds and I'll make a BG believer out of you. \:\)