That's the number one reason I shopped for the "right plan" I can pack three days worth of groceries in two minutes. 6 meals a day, 5 "substitutes" and one "lean and green" meal I can eat anywhere at any restaurant, even fast food places. I bring the meal substitutes, which range from ready to drink things to bars to puddings to soups (which need a microwave). It's actually the easiest diet I've ever done (I've tried about 10 different ones...they all take too much work). This plan is easy, it works and is way more palatable than I thought it might be.
At this rate, I'll be down 50 by mid-June. Then, the hard pounds come off...As you lose, the rate slows down.
I already feel tons better, it's easier to breathe and energy levels are rising (I'm a pretty high-energy guy as it is).
Actually, I spent about 6 months mentally preparing, too, so the temptations for regular food aren't there, I have no qualms saying "no" every day.
While I'm in no position yet to talk much about it, my body will be proof that it works for those folks who are considering something like this.
I figure the actions will speak louder than my keyboard..
Glad you're in on the $1/lb.
I can't wait to hear how Dr. Willis plans to award these funds. "The 'Lusk is/was fat' scholarship award from the Jesse West Foundation goes to...."

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...