I would plant them at the farm, and let natural selection decide which ones live. Deer will bother some of the white pines but some will do fine too. The deer will leave them alone after they get "head height". My thinking is that you are not talking here about a manicured, suburban lawn. This is rural farmland and you are trying to add a windbreak/privacy screen, and in the process get some conifers growing on the property. For the price of those little 2' seedlings it's not a big deal if some don't do well, nor is it anything to worry about if they don't look perfectly manicured/mulched/etc.

So far the deer are leaving my 60 baby pines alone. But something is having a field day with the yellow poplars ... the top has been eaten out of a good number of them \:\( Last weekend I found a big pile of wild turkey feathers and excrement next to my pond. Based on the tracks around the pond it looks like a wildcat may be operating out there.