Brandon, IMO SMB would work well in both places. My pond is 6' deep - in the middle of Arizona. It can't get any hotter unless it's a 4' pond in Death Valley, CA.

IMO the cool water issue has as much to do with the fact that LMB don't do well in cool water, thus allowing SMB to thrive, as it does that SMB like cool water. They like warm water just fine - at least mine do. I'm entirely confident you can have a great SMB pond in Texas.

If you want a great mixed SMB/LMB pond it will provide more challenges, but in a 100 acre lake it should be absolutely no problem. In smaller LMB/BG ponds the SMB just get squished out on both sides. The prey gets too big, and the other predator gets too big because it eats the bigger prey. In a bigger pond, more room, more forage, and can have more diversity.

p.s. - I've got 15 adult 1-2lb SMB that have spent the last 2 years enjoying my pond, reproducing, and doing high flying acrobatics when I caught them... and they're going bye-bye tomorrow...