
My toes are still curled up!

I can't remember how much it hurt, but when I was 4 or 5, Dad was working on a gasoline reel type lawnmower at my grandma's house. I really don't know what happened, but the next thing I know is tht he's rolling me on the ground to put me out, then I remember him carrying me to the car. Next memory is laying in Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Ill (I was literally the first person treated in the hospital after it was built) with each leg sticking out at an angle, covered in ice. Turns out Dad (he was a Chicago fireman) took a chance and went there first (it was the closest hospital) that it was open. It really wasn't, but the custodian was there, and was an ice machine full of ice, so he and Dad did the ice trick, then called the family GP. He drove out there and took over. Whatever they did worked, no scars, although at the time the doc. said that there would be....

But, I tell ya you don't want to be letting a MasterCraft ski boat down from a boat hoist, let the handle slip out of your hands, have it make a full revolution as then smack into your fingers! Then have your little sister run down to the pier and keep asking "Why are you rolling around on the pier and holding your hand?" I'll bet it was a good 5 minutes before I could even talk..... Homemade boat hoist, the handle was a piece of 5/15" x 2" steel, 24" long with a 6" bolt w/a piece of pipe so it would slide around on the bolt - the bolt/pipe was the "handle".


3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).