nothing scientific eric. i have noticed a few things though i think....

the gsf are all fat and appear to be growing large (as top predator should). my first year class are now 8 to 9 inch fish. these were from summer 2006 and spawned from the original stockers...... which i believe are all gone. i'm hoping they are not yet done growing.

the gills are not suppressing GSF spawning. there are lots of little ones.

if anything the GSF are suppressing BG spawning, but there are also good numbers of little gills around....probably too many for my little pond to handle late in the season.

i have not seen an RES since 2007. i think the original stockers are still alive and proabably quite large, but youngins are absent, so GSF and BG together have crushed RES recruitment surprise really.

i have seen nothing that looks like a hybrid. the water is fairly clear so species recognition is strong.

havent seen hide nor hair of the lone bass my late friend mortimer stocked for me, not positive it survived the stocking event, and if it did, i'm sure its a pig. \:\)

sir dave, i would love to start an aquarium, the GSA is working on this, but DWIED keeps threatening to bring down the entire organization everytime i bring it up. its definitely a backburner project. it would be a blast to have a large freshwater tank w/ some nice greenies.

here are some more pics i snapped today while procrastinating on chores......

GSF are people too!