Brettski, yes you've got the right place. I've bought from them every year for about 5 years now and it is very rare that the trees aren't more like 6 to 12 inches. Depends upon what you buy and how good a year they had. All I know is that they come in what they call Styroblocks which are styrofoam blocks with individual holes for over 100 trees. They put dirt in there and grow them. Like I said before I always plant them in containers for 2 years and then move to the field. Just gotta do the container phase correcly to get good growth. I'd say about 90 percent survive this way. Some trees will be over 2 feet tall in 2 years when you put them in field. You have to make a deposit on the blocks and send them back. Not a big deal though since you just tape several together and ship UPS or whatever. I think the deposit was only a couple bucks per block. They are very light so don't cost much to ship.

Gotta get back to fishin!