The cause of this problem is also one of the biggest advantages of the braids-a very small diameter compared to mono # tests. 8# superbraid is much more thin than 8# mono and this is what can cause the line to bury into the spool. I always make sure that I am adjusting the cast control knobs on my baitcasters to the weight of the lure I am throwing. With the lure dangling just below the tip open the bail and see how fast your bait falls. It should SLOWLY fall with a gentle bob of the rod tip. If it falls too fast turn your cast control knob clockwise, if it isn't falling then you need to loosen it off. I had the same problems until I started doing this little setup before fishing.
Fluorocarbon has apparently the same light refractive qualities as water-it is incredible in clear water! It has less stretch (better hooksets) and is more abrasion resistant than mono. Heck I use 100# fluoro as my muskie leaders

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