Matt (Johnny Appleseed)Clark says:
I've been planting trees since I bought my place in '97. I'm at about 6,000 and counting.
Holy Spudbar, Batman....that's alotta trees! I am blessed in that our little project was hand- selected for it's existing timber AND potential for a nice pond within. As I have noted before, tho, I have not one single conifer. I still see myself filling in the smaller, unforested areas, with strategically placed pines...likely Norway Spruce.
I am intrigued by the government-backed programs that Eric and Matt elude to. I don't know squat about them. I imagine that I will get exposure when I finally get to working with the WHIP program, likely a year from now. In the meantime, I want to plug in about 30 Norway Spruces right away to get a year of growth on 'em. Should I go back to Carino Nurseries or other suggestions? 2 or 3 year seedlings/transplants would be perfect.