Thanks, guys.

I'm really hoping that the oak trees will survive this... if they do, I know that getting rid of all the underbrush is a good thing.

Weissguy... I've never been through anything like this... is there anyway to tell if the trees were burned too much? I had been thinking that I needed a controlled burn..... mother nature decided otherwise.

Bruce, If we get a big rain, it will certainly wash a ton of ash into the pond. I don't know that there is anything I can do to stop it. We are supposed to get rain on Sunday.... I'm hoping for an all day soaker to put out the hotspots and get some moisture into the ground. If I can get some ground cover established before a serious runoff.... just maybe the pond will survive.

I'm trying to be positive.... with the high winds, the fire went through fast, so maybe it was like a controlled burn?? I'm hoping so....