What it is going to come down to Jsand is that sooner or later you are going to have to put up a fence and no trespassing signs. We had the same problem that everyone else is describing here. On two occasions went we got to our property we found people fishing on our pond. One group even brought their own boat and were out on our pond fishing in their boat. We would always find beer cans and bottles, fishing line all over (it looked like one person stripped their reel and just threw it on the ground).

For us the last straw was when we found a truck hidden on our property. Turned out the truck was owned by a boy friend of a neighbors wife (yep, you read that correctly) the guy was wanted in two counties and by the California Highway Patrol. That was it for us. We fenced our only open property line and posted no trespassing signs all over the place. California has fairly good rules in regards to trespassing if it's fenced and posted then you can call the sheriff and have them arrested.

As far as your neighbors go, if they are friendly then I'd cut them some slack and let them walk on the property. A good neighbor can be a real asset. Just talk with them and let them know that you don't want anyone else on your property without your permission.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)