ok, that didnt take long, lots of choices with that bermuda grass

from the site, its good news bad news

The down side to Bermuda grass is the aggressive quality that also makes it so popular. Flower beds or other adjacent areas can be over-run if not kept in check by constant edging or applications of herbicides. This is one of the grasses that can "return from the dead" if not completely killed the first time due to its extensive root system and just digging it up without getting rid of the roots will not solve the problem. Repeated applications of a glyphosphate such as Roundup are usually required to kill Bermuda.

so dont see much about overseeding warm in existing rye, but alot of overseeding rye in warm, which may mean i am right (about rye reducing germination) and the warms are perrenials....but you probly know alot more about that bermuda

interestingly, for the pond/fish guys, i have to type and cant copy and paste, "annual ryegrass is used as a fish food in China, grass eating species of carp are fed hand harvested annual ryegrass. " so you could bale the stuff and feed bales to fish....but maybe thats just the people selling the rye grass talking. we all know how those grass carp can eat themselfs out of pond and house

JET, maybe you can do some bermuda and some the more natural prairie grasses?

but 12" water blowing 8 feet high, you are my hero, woohoo, i gotta see this, i should be seeing it on wednesday next.