Thanks for the picture Eric. Overall, I'm very satisfied with this little puddle however, I'm very concerned about the snails. As noted in my last post on page one, I did some fishing at a local farmer's pond and all the BG caught were covered with black spots. If the snails are a link in the chain for this disease, I MUST do something before my fish are affected. Hopefully Bill C or Dr. Dave will see this post and offer some advice.

Eric, I'm going to search the PB forum but do you by chance have any papers/pictures that talk about/show the sexing of pumpkinseed sunfish. I'm also going to call the fella from the hatchery and see if he can offer any advice. He got a kick out of my initial request for all male BG so he should really like this one.

On a side note. I stopped by a local water testing lab today and inquired about testing a sample from the pond. I asked for 5 tests, D.O., pH, hardness, alkalinity, turbidity. He quoted a price of $185. I don't know if that price is good or not but I'm going to check my catalogs and perhaps buy a testing kit.