Bassman, first off I want to say that your avatar is pretty dang funny. Like Dave said you are missing some year classes of LMB. I would also venture a guess that you are overpopulated with the 8"-12" LMB. My first instinct would be to start removing the stunted 8-12 inch LMB. That won't do much for your BG size but that should help put some size on the remaining LMB and bring your pond back into ballance.

As far as your BG go 7-8 inches isn't all that bad IMO. It's hard to manage for big LMB and big BG. Most pondmeisters find it more reasonable to pick one or the other, and some myself included would just like a balanced pond.

If it's possible to feed your fish that is a great option to help take some pressure off the natural food chain. You could add some size to your BG and give your CC an alternate food source. CC and BG will be your main eaters of pelleted feed, but your LMB will benefit from increased production from you BG and less demand on the BG from the CC.