I have not added myself to the map for three reasons:

1. The exact location GSA world headquarters must be kept secret. We have an extensive weapons cache, several emergency cases of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum, the complete Star Trek and Twilight Zone DVD collector's edition sets, and the beginnings of a well stocked wine cellar. It is imperative that none of this fall into enemy hands.

2. I am very near DIED. If you find him then you will know my general vicinity, unless of course I am piloting the Death Star or one of our Stealth Fighters.

3. We are absentee property owners and our pond is quite literally on the map. If I were post even so much as my zip code it would not take that long for someone to determine our exact location. It's not that I worry so much about the general public getting to our pond. No, it's you freaks. If you found out where our pond was then Condello would show up and completely fish out our pond in 17 minutes flat. Dwight would sneak over and build something fabulous and complicated and then not tell me what it was used for. TomG would get all "beered up" and blow the place up. Yolk and Rainman would do something horrible to my GSF. Cecil would fill it with Perch. And Theo, I shiver to think what Theo might do.

I will not be a lamb led to slaughter.

I do have a lamb costume but it is for Halloween and other "special" occasions.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)