Originally Posted By: adirondack pond
Thanks for the compliment JHAP, Yea that's a Moose rack on the wall, if it was a Jackalope I think it would be a world record.

I thought it was a moose, I saw a moose in the wild once, great story I'll tell someday and in a different thread (I don't want to completely derail Bski's thread, mainly because he has photoshop and is not afraid to use it, this constant threat keeps me somewhat leary of him). To date, I've never seen a Jackalope and I really kept my eyes open for them when in Texas last year.

 Originally Posted By: adirondack pond
Your hidden lake ranch looks like a beautiful place, I guess you plan on retiring there. I'd love to see it if I ever get out to see my daughter in Sacramento.

Thank you, it is a beautiful place if I do say so myself. I only get up to my place about once a month (except during tax season when I can't leave So Cal). If the real estate market hadn't free fallen JWHAP and I would be up there already (at least in semi-retirement). At this point who knows how long it will be until I can get out of So Cal.

If you do ever get to Sacramento please make sure you let DIED and I know in advance. Our places are only about 1 hour from Sacramento and we'd love to have you over to see our places (notice how I volunteered DIED without asking? What are friends for, anyhoo he's a great guy and I know he'd be up for a visit).

 Originally Posted By: adirondack pond
Does California charge you extra for having your own lake, what with water being so scarce, I hope they don't steal your water and pipe it to the salt marsh mouse ! \:D

LOL, nope no extra fee. We do pay annually for a water rights fee but it's only about $150. They will take our water for fire containment and have at the ranch next to DIED on a couple of occasions and on at least one occasion at my place before I owned it. That just goes with the territory in California.

 Originally Posted By: adirondack pond
Do you have any problems with the chain drive on you 6 wheeler?, Years ago I bought 2 old Allis Chalmers terra tigers, when they worked they were great, but they were pretty beat so I was constantly working on them.
Next on my wish list is an Arctic Cat Prowler.

Yes I have. In fact right now as I type this my Max is in my garage here in So Cal. I sheared the chain sprocket bolts on three of the six drive sprockets. I intend to replaced the bolts on all six sprockets and have replaced them on the front two wheel and middle two wheels. Unfortunately I have to rent an engine puller (cherry picker) to raise the engine and tranny to get to the rear two sprockets. Prior to shearing the bolts my Max IV was bullet proof. It is very primitive and, with no suspension, is a bouncy ride but is has twice the horsepower as the Polarius Ranger that my mom keeps at the property and because of the six wheel drive in the Max it will climb almost anything. I don't take it in the lake though, mainly because I don't want to have to repack the bearings annually and because I have two boats (kayak and and alum boat) so I don't need the Max in the water. I'm hoping that the Max won't become a major maintenance problem, I don't mind turning wrenches (I've owned classic cars and turning wrenches comes with the territory) but I don't want to constantly maintain the Max. Time will tell with that beast. It is very fun to drive. JWHAP loves cruising the ranch in it as do I. It's like owning your own personal tank.



"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)