Originally Posted By: Yolk Sac
Sarchasm [n.] .........Usage: His dreams and ambitions corroded by Rockytoppers vitriolic sarcasm, Brettski drained the pond, cut the timber, and is rumored to be living in deer stand just north of Tyler, Texas.


that one structure rocky shows looks ALOT like the clintons library - bridge to somewhere....then again it looks ALOT like a single wide hangin out over a dry puddle, coincidence?

b'ski, you cant use the dutch barn style cause it was my original idea for you, however before i suggested it, and after seeing how bent you were on the horse barn (raised center aisle we call them out here) i couldnt bring myself to say anything. but now that you throw it out, i think you should use my idea of gambrel architecture....looks quaint and maximizes square footage and liveable space. i am still dreaming of having my shop/barn and it will be in that style when i can figure out how to afford it.

GSF are people too!