Originally Posted By: Jersey
This is one reason I wanted to let you know that it is not complicated, unless you want it to be. Radiant floor heat is it's own system, whether it is heated by geo or otherwise. Using geo for forced air heat / AC is not any more difficult than a conventional system. Let the geo system heat the tank of water and let the radiant system do it's own thing. Personally, I let the geo system heat my domestic hot water, and keep the radiant floor system seperate.

I have been told 500' of pond loop is required per ton, and that is what I have. It might be different in other areas.

I bet a geo manufacturer could answer your questions and recommend a good dealer in your area.

I would hate to see the description of Ladia's gee-whiz system discourage anyone.

I agree. I think the controllers that would do the job without exotic solutions are on the market. Since the geo is more or less mainstream now the installers are better trained and more adept to do it right.
Geo is hard to beat in cost of operation even if the utility starts charging the retail rate (most utilities charge the wholesale rate now).

Last edited by Ladia; 02/19/09 12:41 PM.

We live in a barn (aircraft hanger) converted to a house.
0.7 ac leaky pond.