Wow, Ladia. I missed your responses (several, along with others) over the past several days.

Now, I'm wondering if this is even something that I should attempt here (small town) with local vendors. When I first thought about this in '01, the ONLY outfit doing it within 35 miles didn't instill lots of confidence. The sold the HP and would install it...but (pre-pond) argued amongst themselves for a couple weeks as to how much tubing (digging & $$$) would even be required. I walked away...

I'm only 40 mins from Iowa City, so maybe there are others there I can talk to about this.

My shop will not be attached, but sit perhaps 50 feet from the house. It will have in slab radiant, I've installed it before, and will this time. Home has LP fired forced air...not sure how these 2 systems will (or even could) be tied together. Shop radiant can easily be supplied by 60 gal HWH, AC, perhaps just a window unit - I won't live in the thing!

...probably simpler to keep the systems separated.

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...