Georgia Pond:
I have installed a vegetative buffer zone on my frontage. I am amazed at what grows in the sand and gets full sun. Ground cover Ajuga loves it!!! My frontage will be one huge mass of purple flowers this spring, and every spring after. I have some cool stuff growing, like all kinds of daylillies, iris, some plants that I don't know the names of, even hosta growing where the springs are, lots of coneflowers, and in the water I have Pickeral Weed, some zebra rushes, it has turned into a gardening experiment that I never expected. Very cool, people here have tried to keep sandy beaches they have to weed and reclaim the sand over and over and over. The plants retain the sand, and prevent erosion, attract wildlife like butterflies, birds, (those pesky muskrats) and the rocks make a nice home for frogs, I had two kinds last year, green and brown. Nobody has seen a frog around here in decades.
I don't know how to do photos yet on the computer. Every 6 months I pay a service to come out and clean up the computer, install stuff, next time out I will have them teach me how to post photos on PBF.

I subscribe too, but tried and failed at the fish logo.