Here is another bit of interesting HSB info from :

Comparison of Bluegill Consumption Rates by Largemouth Bass
and Sunshine Bass in Structured and Nonstructured
Artificial Environments


Wild Largemouth Bass versus Wild Sunshine Bass

Largemouth bass were more adept at consuming
bluegills than sunshine bass in the presence of
structure ; bluegill instantaneous mortality
rate was significantly higher for largemouth bass than for sunshine bass predation.
Conversely, consumption on bluegills by
largemouth bass and sunshine bass was similar in nonstructured tanks .

Wild versus Pellet-Trained Predators

Sunshine bass.—Wild and pellet-trained sunshine
bass in structured and nonstructured tanks
consumed bluegills at similar rates in their respective treatments. Bluegill instantaneous
mortality rates in structured tanks did not differ significantly between wild and pellet-trained sunshine bass; similarly, in nonstructured tanks the bluegill instantaneous mortality rate in the presence of wild and pellet-trained sunshine bass did not differ significantly.