Most of my evidence comes from stomach samples and just plain old observation.

It is my belief that HSB consume large quantities of small addition to the small BG as observed in the masters thesis. Tilapia, in my ponds, like to spawn in shallow areas, but love to hang out all over the pond including areas near very deep water that offer some food they like.

Also, my belief is that larger Tilapia are consumed almost exclusively by LMB and especially during the die-off. LMB are amazing in what they can get inside that mouth...we've all seen pictures of LMB with another LMB in its mouth of comparable size...and LMB with duck feathers hanging out the mouth.

HSB consume the Tilapia up to about 4 inches in huge quantities, I believe. That's why I said the master thesis wasn't nearly as interesting as it could have been, to me, if Tilapia had been included.